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“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”

Barack Obama

Climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge facing us in the 21st century. The consequences of a warming climate are far-reaching, affecting fresh water resources, global food production and sea levels. With worsening impacts predicted for the natural environment and society for generations to come, climate change is high on political, strategic and economic agendas worldwide.

The fight against climate change is a priority at European level. However, in order to succeed, all people have to make a contribution.

.People are experiencing the significant impacts of climate change, which include changing weather patterns, rising sea level, and more extreme weather events. The Project will be guided by the general objectives of the EU environmental policy as set out in the EU treaty (Article 191)


While we aim to prevent school drop out, we will do so through involvement in activities around global warming and climate change which has vital importance, and seems actively to motivate not only marginal students, immigrants or refugees but also the rest of their schoolmates. Moreover, we will provide them with the basic resources to help them interact as equals.  Pupils will take part in workshops, presentations, visit forests, plant trees, make interviews, etc.They will develop research and teamwork abilities and environmental conscience, acquire the action competence or skills of environmental citizenship, become eco-friendly consumers and promote similar behaviour in their family and community, by implementing proenvironmental changes in their lives and becoming ''green'' supporters.


Students do not fully understand the essence of a healthy environment and how to create and protect it for the benefit of future generations. What we do in the present is the basis of future life.

This project will enable our target groups to think globally. They will not only be more aware of environmental issues but also that future generations have the right to live in a safe and healthy environment and ensuring this is their responsibility.

With this project we want to promote social inclusion and integration of every single student. Our target groups are not only marginal students, immigrants or refugees but the entire student body because we will provide them with the basic resources to help them interact as equals. Those students who take part in the Project will be expected to have a powerful impact on their peer group.

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